Take the free 16 scale personality questionnaire online and learn about your personality traits. Click the image below to begin the test:
What is it?
The sixteen personality scales or 16SPQ psychometric test assesses various primary personality traits in order to provide feedback about an individual’s disposition, traditionally used by psychologists in a clinical or research setting and more recently by recruitment consultants and prospective employers. Personality characteristics have been linked to job performance and satisfaction within occupational roles by a number of psychological studies, suggesting that not only will some individuals perform at a higher level in a specific employment; they are also more likely to gain greater satisfaction and fulfilment from a job that is suited to their character.
Similar to the basis of the big-five personality test, the 16SPQ aims to evaluate personality in terms of traits and individual qualities; however, these are assessed on a scale among a range of aspects, as opposed to being given a score of high to low. By focusing on the sixteen primary personality traits instead of condensing them into a smaller number of global personality factors, the 16SPQ offers a range of information regarding individual disposition, also making it ideal for personal development within an occupational setting.
In our test, the traits evaluated are rated “high” or “low” and then subdivided into a variety of descriptors; the candidate is then assigned to one of these subdivisions based upon the answers given throughout the questionnaire. For example, a low rating for “Warmth” would place the candidate within one of the subdivisions “Very Reserved” or “Fairly Reserved” whereas a high rating would allocate them either to “Fairly Warm” or “Very Warm”.
The traits evaluated are as follows:
- Warmth, which is considered to indicate friendliness towards others and willingness to participate.
- Reasoning, which is thought to be indicative of cognitive ability and intellect;
- Emotional Stability, which refers to the candidate’s ability to adapt while under stress and whether they are easily upset.
- Dominance, which ascertains to levels of aggression, assertiveness and co-operation.
- Liveliness, which tends to indicate whether the candidate is likely to be cheerful or expressive as opposed to introverted or serious.
- Rule-Consciousness, which generally conveys attitudes towards authority and likelihood of obedience.
- Social Boldness, which refers to whether an individual is likely to be timid or shy as opposed to being uninhibited or out-going.
- Sensitivity, which considers whether the candidate is compassionate and sympathetic to others or if they tend to be more objective.
- Vigilance, which specifies how trusting, accepting or suspicious the individual may be around others.
- Abstractedness, which can refer to being imaginative or solution orientated but at the higher level can also suggest being impractical.
- Privateness, which can indicate how forthright or non-disclosing an individual might be.
- Apprehension, which is descriptive of whether someone may be more self-assured or insecure.
- Openness to Change, which is regarded as flexibility and a liberal attitude as opposed to being attached to the familiar.
- Self-Reliance, which identifies how self-sufficient or group orientated an individual might be.
- Perfectionism, which refers to self-discipline and precision as opposed to impulsiveness.
- Tension, which conveys the likelihood of being time driven or impatient instead of being relaxed and patient.